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Phase 1 Clusters
Cluster Activities
The 21 Research Clusters
Cluster Best Practice
Cluster Insights

Clusters Insights

Each research cluster has had its own zone of enquiry. When examined at an Initiative level a number of collective insights emerged from this activity.

~Existing design disciplines are redefining themselves. The Interrogating Fashion cluster, explored future drivers of fashion design and the strategies needed to move forward. Similar drivers of change confront every design discipline.
~New design disciplines are emerging. The Synergy Tools cluster examined the emergence of new overaching disciplines driven by changes in what society consumes and by recognition of the increasingly complex interdisciplinary nature of many design problems.
~The role of the designer is evolving. The Emotional Wardrobe cluster explored the designer’s role as mediator of technology, using design approaches to marry emergent technologies with the future culture of products.
~The challenges being set for design are expanding. The Ideal States cluster examined new roles for design in healthcare delivery beyond the design of environments, products and information, demonstrating the need to investigate design’s relevance to new forms of problem solving.
~Others are being empowered to design. The View of the Child cluster captured a child’s perspective in the design process. This activity raises important questions about how we design, design, to support extended participation.
~More than ever design must understand and communicate its value. The Design Performance cluster explored design’s economic contribution at different levels within the economy. This work raises questions about how we measure and communicate design’s contribution.


photo of an interior section at the Lighthouse, Glasgow

photo by Angus Colvin

© University of Dundee
Unless otherwise indicated, all photos & webdesign by
© Designing for the 21st Century