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Phase 2 Projects
Project Activities
The 20 Research Projects

Phase 2 Projects

The second and final phase of Initiative funding was announced in January 2006 with a Phase 2 project call aiming to support projects that develop new knowledge and understanding needed by design practice in the 21st Century. In April 2006 sixty-five proposals for Phase 2 projects were received. Following a process of peer review 20 projects were selected for funding by a commissioning panel in September 2006. Key criteria that were used in selecting projects for funding included:

~Evidence of an approach based on novel interdisciplinary research collaboration
~Cognisance of the changing business, social and environmental context within which design will operate in the future
~A visionary understanding of the relevance of the proposed research to where design might have maximum impact in the future
~Identification of intended beneficiaries (particularly within design practice)
~Evidence of a strategy and capability for delivering well designed dissemination of research outcomes to stakeholders

A provisional overview of these projects is available on this website. A majority of the projects will commence in early 2007. The projects will run for between 12-24 months. Further details on each project, will added to this site as they become available.


photo of concentric circles of a cross section of tree trunk

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