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The View of the Child: Explorations of the Visual Culture of the Made Environment

The aim of the research cluster was to explore design from the point of view of children and young people (0-18 years) in learning contexts. It brought together expertise from across academic disciplines, designers, stakeholders and users to explore existing and new material and methodologies to shape research that focuses on the relationship between the developing child, educational practice, and the implications of these factors on design. 

The research cluster focus was on the influence of design through attention to the visual context with particular reference to the built environment, classrooms and non-traditional learning spaces. The term ‘visual culture’ was applied to reflect our intention to explore the cumulative, tacit and specific effects of the visual foci. The overarching aim is to provide policy makers and practitioners with a basis for determining a design strategy aimed at enhancing teaching and learning.

Principal Investigator
Judy Torrington
The University of Sheffield
T: 0114 222 0346        
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photo of children in a creative 3D workshopphoto of child's handsa drawing made by a child of how they perecive their school environment

© The View of the Child cluster

© University of Dundee
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