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Spatiality in Design

This research cluster aimed to bring new spatial ideas into design and to develop a cross-disciplinary community of designers and experts in aspects of spatiality from other disciplines. The notion of space, and its applications in both art and science, extends far beyond the two- and three-dimensional properties of euclidean space which have always been – and remain – important for product design and graphic design, for example. There are now new and exciting ways of thinking spatially about cognition, of understanding spatial metaphor in language, of exploring information spatially (cyberspace), of visualizing design space, of reasoning with qualitative spatial relations (alongside, near, part-of, etc), of formalizing aesthetic knowledge, of understanding architecture, of using space in art, of dealing with spatial information that is vague, uncertain, granular, fuzzy etc, etc. The cluster aimed to disseminate these new ideas and to explore their application to design.

Principal Investigator
Dr John Stell
University of Leeds
T: 0113 343 1076
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Computer Aided design imageSilhouette of a man holding a 3d model

© Spatiality in Design cluster

© University of Dundee
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© Designing for the 21st Century